Maoists Violence and the way forward for Center:
1. Come up with an amnesty scheme for Maoists, giving all those who are ready to surrender arms, an assurance of jobs with a guaranteed fixed monthly income. Close all cases against them and welcome them in the mainstream those who are ready to surrender.
2. Adopt all those villages who are ready to cooperate and take a stand against Maoists in the affected areas. Develop basic infrastructure like medical, education and entertainment facility in these villages and provide them adequate security.
3. Launch a major offensive against the extremists backed in full force by armed forces. Declare Maoists movement as terrorism and come up with a anti terror legislation against these terror groups.
4. Educate and create awareness among masses about all those stake holders who are cooperating and advancing the cause of Maoism in India, both actively and passively. The role of state governments and political parties with Maoists links to be brought in public notice.
5. Set up an independent ministry at the center to deal with Internal Security of the country including coordination among state police and different intelligence agencies.
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